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TSP First Lecture 

• TSP First Lecture 2021 • 🥳 

Welcoming our incoming freshmen to NIE by starting off with a physical tour around school 🏫 Guided by our very own TSP seniors, the seniors have shared many invaluable experiences and provided guidance to the freshmen! 🤝 This also provided a great opportunity for juniors to establish a support network in school. 👨🏽‍💻

Still have any burning questions? 🔥🔥 Feel free to DM us too! 📲📨


This event was held in accordance with Safe Management Measures on the 21st July 2021.

Date Published: 22/07/2021

TSP Year Book "Departure"(1st Edition) 

As the AY 17/18 TSP batch of student teachers complete their journey in NIE, this yearbook is made to celebrate and mark their milestones in NIE. We hope that via this publication, graduating student teachers can look back on their journey in NIE.

Date Published: 15/06/2021

TSP Year Book Photos

TSP Scavenger Hunt

Hello everyone!
Sick of the dreary round of mugging for tests and rushing assignments? Fret not! TSP Club is organizing a scavenger hunt for y’all to participate in!

The TSP Scavenger Hunt is a 2-week event (from 15th march to 26th march) where you will find locations in NIE based on given clues and riddles. The clues and riddles for the locations will be sent out at the start of each week, and participants can find these locations throughout the week.

Date Published: 15/03/2021

TSP Scavenger Hunt Photos

Date Published: 15/03/2021

TSP Merch Sales II 

CHER-UP for Semester 2 is finally here! The merchandise sales provide an opportunity for TSP members to purchase TSP merchandises which serves as an identity for the Club.

Date Published: 19/02/2021

TSP Family Run 

Itching to get out of your room and have a good time with your friends? Fret not for TSP Club is organising an inaugural TSP Family Run!

TSP Family Run is a 3-week challenge where you will be put into groups of 4-5 and you can go on runs with members of your group during your own free time. During the event period, you will track your runs (in your groups) using the Runkeeper app. (Participants are required to download this app to track and submit the distances covered)

Date Published: 28/01/2021

TSP Family Run Photos

Date Published: 28/01/2021

TSP Speaker Series 1:
Life After Graduation

Hi TSP-ians! The TSP Speaker Series 1 will be held soon, and we are happy to invite Ms Jorynn Li, a TSP Alumna, to do a sharing with us.

The topic for the talk will be Life After Graduation, where Ms Li will be sharing about the realities of entering the service as a TSP Scholar, as well as giving some advice for current TSP-ians.

The talk will be held on 9th December (Wed) from 10.30am to 11.45am on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent via the email you provide in the registration form. There will also be a live Q&A session during the talk.

Sign-ups close on 7th December (Mon).

See you there!

Date Published: 11/12/2020

TSP Speaker Series 1 Photos

Date Published: 11/12/2020

TSP Club Appreciation 2020

To provide a platform for TSP members to interact and get to know each other. We hope that via this activity, TSP members will be able to forge stronger bonds amongst one another.


Date Published: 02/02/2020

TSP Club Appreciation

TSP club appreciation 2020 🎉 This event was held to recognise and honour the contribution of TSP Club’s past EXCO members. We are honoured to have Guest-of-Honour, Associate Professor Chow Jia Yi and our TSP Club advisor, Mr Eric Yeo. It is heartening to see the different batches of EXCO members since TSP Club’s establishment in 2014.

Date Published: 09/12/2020

TSP Club Appreciation Photos

Date Published: 09/02/2020


Hey guys! As we get back to our busy lives from recess week, we have something in store for you! We will be conducting HoTSPot. We hope that everyone would get to know their seniors/juniors better through this event.

HoTSPot is an event where we pair a senior and a junior together to complete a series of missions together. The parings will be random. We hope that through the missions you get to know more about your buddy and also TSP.

This year, HoTSPot will be conducted over the course of 2 weeks from 12 October to 23 October. In each round (1 week), 4 missions will be sent out for you to complete with your buddy.


Date Published: 6/10/2020

HoTSPot Photos

Date Published: 03/11/2020

TSP Club Appreciation 2020

To provide a platform for TSP members to interact and get to know each other. We hope that via this activity, TSP members will be able to forge stronger bonds amongst one another.


Date Published: 02/02/2020

TSP Merch Sales I

TSP Merch Sales 1 2020! The merchandise sales provide an opportunity for TSP members to purchase TSP merchandises which serves as an identity for the Club.

Date Published: 25/09/2020

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