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Frequently Asked Questions

How is TSP Club different from NSTC?

TSP is a Non-Constituent Club under Student Affairs Office (SAO) aimed at serving students from the Teaching Scholars Programme. On the other hand, NSTC is the main Academic Constituent Clubs of NIE and focuses on safeguarding and enhancing the interests of all student-teachers including students from the Diploma and PGDE programme.

Can I join other NTU/NIE/Hall CCAs if I join TSP Club?

Yes! You may join as many CCAs as you wish as long as you are able to cope with your academic and commitment.

Will I get hall points/CCA record if i join TSP Club?

Yep! Hall (campus involvement) points and CCA record will be accorded based on your contributions. However, do note that while a minimum hall points are required for hall admission, it does not guarantee that you will be able to go back to Pioneer/Crescent Hall. As a TSP scholar, you are already guaranteed 4 years of hall stay.

How often does TSP Club meetup? What is the commitment level like?

TSP Club meetup regularly to discuss and plan for upcoming events. However, we do not meetup on a weekly basis.

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